Nunnikhoven Farm Harvest Fest

October 5, 2024
9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Join us for a wonderful day on the farm with vendors, live music, food, fun and of course lots of PUMPKINS!

Free admission for all.

•We will be milking Dolly at 9:30! Children AND adults are welcome to milk. The adults always want to try but are afraid to ask, it’s super fun, here’s your invitation.

•The zinnia patch is still busting at the seams, you pick zinnia patch will be OPEN!!! Meet us at the Nunnikhoven Farm Beverage Bin to purchase a ticket, get supplies and details. Don’t get lost in the patch, if you do just head North. If you don’t know which direction is north, Farm school 101 signups at 10 am. Jk.

•Come see the animals, take some pictures at our various photo opps, grab a fancy coffee from the Nunnikhoven Farm Beverage Bin, play some games, swing under the sycamore tree and really just enjoy the farm.

•Get some awesome decorative pumpkins and Jack-O-lanterns, corn stalks and straw bales! Limited amount of glass gem Indian corn!!

1552 195TH Place
Harvey, IA

(573) 822-5744

Category: Family Friendly

Nunnikhoven Farm Harvest Fest photo

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